Once again the Wigan and District Group will hold their Annual Church service at
St Matthews Church, Billinge Road, Highfield, Wigan.
On Sunday 20th October 2013 commencing at 3pm
The Preacher will be Rev. Godfrey Hirst, DPrGr Chaplain. The Service will be conducted by W.Bro. David Kavanagh, assisted by Bro Rev. W. Harrington and the Mayor of Wigan, Cllr Billy Rotherham and Mayoress Janet Lumley,
have accepted the Chairman’s invitation to attend. The Lectors will be W.Bro's Peter Connolly, PJGD, (PGM in the Mark Degree) and Malcolm Taylor, PAGReg, the Group Chairman.
The Group Chairman extends his invitation to the membership of Mark and Royal ark Mariners Degrees and their families. He hopes that they will attend wearing the regalia of those Orders.
Permission for Mark and RAM Regalia to be worn has been granted.
It is also hoped that all will join him for light refreshments after the Service in the Church Hall adjacent to the Church.
You can read about last years service here